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    50+ free medical appointment SMS reminders samples

    When was the last time your phone was more than 30cm away from you? We’ll wait. 

    The reality is, we are obsessed with our phones. We take them everywhere with us and, according to reports, check them an average of 85 times a day. That’s why SMS messages are an excellent tool for any medical clinic and practice to harness. Because while emails go unread and phone calls are frequently ignored, everyone notices when they get a text. They’re a great way to get more eyeballs on your communications. 

    Want to start using SMS reminders to engage clients at your practice?

    Here are 5 templates you can implement today:

    Medical appointment reminder text templates

    Here are five simple SMS templates you can use to confirm appointments at your clinic.

    1. Hi [Patient Name], this is a reminder of your appointment at [Practice Name] on [Date] at [Time]. We look forward to seeing you. 
    2. Reminder: your appointment at [Practice Name] is on [Date] at [Time]. Please arrive a few minutes early.
    3. [Patient Name], your appointment at [Practice Name] is on [Date] at [Time]. Please call if you need to reschedule.
    4. Hi, [Patient Name], this is [Practice Name]. Don’t forget your appointment with us is on [Date] at [Time]. Thanks!
    5. Hi [Patient Name], we’re looking forward to seeing you at [Healthcare Practice Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please let us know if you can no longer make it.

    Want to see SMS reminders specific to your industry? Here are 50 get you started

    Studies on using SMS reminders in healthcare

    • In one study conducted in Spain, the use of SMS reminders helped to improve participation in breast screening exams, with 68% of women attending if they were sent a text message three days before the appointment. 
    • In Canada, text messages were used to remind parents of vaccinations for their children. Parents were sent a text when their child turned 18 months old and three days before their scheduled vaccination. They saw a reduction in no-shows and over 95% thought the reminders were “helpful”
    • A study in Chile found that systems with automatic appointment reminders were effective in increasing clinics’ ability to care for more patients, likely due to timely cancellations and re-scheduling.

    Benefits of using SMS reminders in healthcare

    • Avoid gaps in the diary

    Gaps in the diary are frustrating, especially when you know there is high demand for appointments. Filling appointments can help you run your practice more efficiently.

    If you have a cosmetic surgery clinic, for example, missed appointments can be hugely expensive. Using SMS reminders helps to avoid no-shows and boost revenue.

    • Take the pressure off your team

    Having to call clients to check they still plan to attend their appointment is a huge time suck. If you can automate this instead, it’ll save you and your team a huge amount of time.

    • Improve patient engagement 

    Sending timely reminders about when clients are due to come in for appointments can help to engage them in their care and improve their experience at your practice. 

    • Creates a professional impression 

    The value of clear, consistent communication from your practice shouldn’t be understated. It all plays a part in creating a sense of professionalism at your business.  

    SMS communication: can it go wrong?

    But let’s be real. There is sometimes reticence about SMS as a communication tool.

    Some clinics may be worried about leaving their patients behind. Others might worry that an SMS isn’t an appropriate communication channel for a healthcare practice. 

    One study by the University of Bristol where test results were shared with patients via a variety of methods (face-to-face, over the phone, in a letter, via a patient portal, and via SMS) caused some confusion. Some patients were concerned that texts didn’t convey enough information about test results or found them inappropriate or ‘flippant’. 

    Instead of simply opting out of text messaging, it’s better to have a well-considered strategy for your SMS communications. What you leave out is as important as what you put in.

    Here are our top tips… 

    Best practices for sending medical appointment SMS reminders 

    1. Set expectations 

    First of all, tell your patients that you’ll be sending text messages (if they opt into the service). Next, let your patients know why you will be sending texts and how the service should and shouldn’t be used. For example, they shouldn’t text asking for medical advice.

    2. Say who it’s from 

    A text message from a random number can feel invasive unless you clearly communicate WHO the SMS is from and the reason you’re getting in touch. Make sure you let patients who you are by including the name of your practice at the beginning of the text. 

    3. Don’t text blast 

    Even if your patients are happy to receive texts, it’s still important to play it carefully. If you blast your patients with SMS messages too regularly then they’re less likely to notice the really important communications from you. Plus, don’t text early in the morning or late at night. 

     4. Don’t include medical information

    Don’t include personal medical details in an SMS, such as including the name of a patient’s medical condition or any test results. Instead, ask them to log into a secure patient portal to review any results or call the practice to arrange an appointment. 

    5. But include some personalization 

    According to a study by McKinsey, 71% of customers expect businesses to deliver personalized interactions and 76% gets frustrated when that doesn’t happy. Make use of meta tags so that your text address your customers by name, at the very least.  

    6. Link to other resources

    Sending out a text message to patients with pre-care or aftercare instructions? Always include a link to another resource such as a web page that has more detailed instructions. That way, patients won’t feel like they’re missing any important information. 

    7. Have an alternative option 

    Not every patient will want to receive text messages – maybe they don’t have a mobile phone or it’s simply not something they’re comfortable with. It’s important to consider an alternative option, such as a letter or a phone call, for patients who are less receptive to texts. 

    8. Automate SMS messages 

    SMS reminders take a lot off your plate, but only if you automate them. You can use practice management software to schedule appointment confirmation and appointment reminder texts at the time of booking, so you don’t have to remember to send them out yourself! 

    Using text messages in your healthcare business

    Done right, SMS can be a real value-add to your business. 

    You also don’t just have to use texts strictly for appointment reminders. You can use them to confirm appointments, send recalls three months after a patient’s last appointment, or even send links and reminders about pre-care and aftercare instructions. 

    • Remind patients about their upcoming appointments
    • Help to reduce no-shows and patients not turning up to appointments 
    • Reminding patients about pre-care or aftercare instructions
    • Reminding patients about when it’s time to rebook 
    • Remind patients about outstanding payments 
    • Plus many, many more examples

    How Pabau customers are using SMS reminders

    Two of our clients recently shared how they successfully use SMS communications in their aesthetics businesses.

    With texts being used for everything from reminder texts to sending birthday reminders to customers, they’re a great way to keep your clients engaged. Plus, regular communication by SMS – at the right time – can also really elevate how your business is perceived.

    Appointment reminder templates by industry 

    Of course, the type of SMS communication you send will be dependent on your industry. Here, we’ve put together 50 text message templates that you can use for your business, whether you’re a med spa, medical doctor, travel clinic, or more! 

    5 SMS templates for med spas

    Medi aesthetic clinics and med spas can use SMS reminders for a variety of reasons.

    As well as using them for appointment confirmations and reminders, they can also play a big role in marketing. Use them to request reviews that you can use on your website or social media channels, or, if it’s a slow month, to tell customers about special offers and discounts. 

    Appointment confirmation SMS

    Hi [Client Name]. Thanks for booking with us on [Date] and [Time] with [Practitioner]. We look forward to seeing you then! [Business Name] 

    Appointment reminder SMS

    Hi [Client Name]. This is a reminder that you have an appointment with us on [Date] and [Time]. We look forward to welcoming you. [Business Name] 

    Recall SMS

    Hey [Client Name]

    It’s been over four months since your last Botox appointment with us. Would you be interested in booking another treatment? Please ring the clinic or book online [Link] 

    Review request SMS 

    Did you enjoy your treatment with [Practitioner] today? If you did, we’d love if you could leave us a review. It only takes five minutes – thank you! 

    Marketing offer SMS 

    Limited time only! Spring offer: Book a hydra facial package with us and get 15% off! Only available until [Date]. Book now [Link]

    Related: Best medical spa software 2023

    5 SMS templates for GPs and medical doctors

    GP clinics can also use SMS messages for appointment confirmations and reminders. 

    While they probably won’t use text messages for marketing, they’re a great tool to get information to patients quickly. Automating this process can help reduce the workload of front-of-house staff and prevent them from having to call individual patients. 

    Appointment confirmation SMS

    Hi [Client Name], this is a confirmation of your appointment with [GP Name] on [Date] at [Time].
    If you can no longer make it, please ring the practice on [Phone Number]. [Practice Name] 

    Appointment reminder SMS

    Hi [Client Name]. Reminder: you have an appointment with [GP Name] on [Date] and [Time]. If you are no longer able to make it, please call [Phone Number] [Your Business Name] 

    Test results (action needed) SMS

    Hi [Patient Name], we’ve received your lab results. Please call the practice on [Phone Number] to arrange an appointment. Thanks [Practice Name] 

    Test results (no action needed) SMS

    Hi [Patient Name], we’ve received your lab results. Please review your results by logging into the secure patient portal [Link]. Thanks [Practice Name] 

    Outstanding payment 

    Hi [Patient Name], this is [Practice Name]. This is a reminder that there is [$ amount] outstanding on your account since your appointment on [Date]. We kindly ask that this is paid before [Date]. If you have any queries, please get in touch on [Phone Number]. 


    5 SMS templates for cosmetic surgeries

    Cosmetic surgery clinics can leverage the power of SMS for various purposes. 

    Text messages can be used to check that patients are paying careful attention to any pre-care or aftercare instructions. Cosmetics surgeries can also use SMS reminders to nudge patients to attend follow-up appointments, which isn’t always easy if they’re happy with their results. 

    Consultation reminder SMS

    Hi [Client Name], this is a reminder of your upcoming consultation on [Date] at [Time]. We’re excited to discuss your goals! [Clinic Name] 

    Pre-surgery instructions SMS

    Preparing for your surgery? Please follow the pre-surgery instructions provided [Link]. For any questions or concerns, please call [Phone Number].

    Post-surgery recovery SMS

    Post-surgery care: Follow aftercare instructions, take prescribed medications, and attend scheduled follow-up appointments. We’re here to support your recovery.

    Follow-up appointment reminder SMS

    Reminder: Your follow-up appointment after cosmetic surgery is scheduled on [Date] at [Time]. We look forward to assessing your progress. See you soon!

    Referral appreciation SMS

    Thank you for referring a friend to our clinic for cosmetic surgery. Your support means a lot to us. We are here to provide exceptional care to them.

    5 SMS templates for hair transplant clinics

    Pre-care and aftercare instructions are really important for hair transplant clinics.

    Don’t rely on clients simply remembering everything that you told them at their consultation or after their transplant. Send timely SMS reminders to point them to key information. You can also build on that by sharing maintenance tips and special offers on your products.

    Pre-care instructions SMS

    Preparing for your hair transplant? Remember to avoid alcohol, beta-blockers, and non-approved medications for a week prior. Any questions? Call us at [Phone Number].

    Aftercare instructions SMS

    Post-transplant care: Gently wash the transplanted area with mild shampoo. Avoid direct sunlight and strenuous activities for a week. Detailed guide here [Link]

    Follow-up appointment SMS

    It’s time for your post-transplant follow-up appointment. Please call [Phone Number] to schedule a convenient time. We look forward to seeing your progress.

    Maintenance tips SMS

    Maintain your new hair: Avoid harsh chemicals, use a gentle shampoo, and protect from excessive heat or styling. Need guidance? Contact us at [Phone Number].

    Special offer SMS

    Exclusive offer for our hair transplant clients: Enjoy a 20% discount on additional sessions or hair care products. Limited time only. Call [Phone Number] to claim.

    5 SMS templates for travel clinics 

    Travel clinics can use text messages to send reminders, promotional offers, and travel tips. 

    They can also use SMS messages to get their customers up to date about any updates to travel guidelines so that they’re always the first port of call for advice on travelling abroad. 

    Travel vaccination reminder SMS

    Hi [Client Name], remember to schedule your travel vaccinations before your trip. Contact [Phone Number] to book. Safe travels!

    Travel health tips SMS

    Planning a trip? Remember to stay hydrated, use insect repellent, and pack necessary medications. For more advice, visit [Clinic Website].

    Post-travel follow-up SMS

    Welcome back! If you experience any post-travel health concerns, please contact us at [Phone Number]. 
    We’re here to help.

    Travel clinic promotion SMS

    Get prepared for your next adventure! Visit [Clinic Name] for comprehensive travel health services. Call [Phone Number] to book an appointment.

    Travel advisory update SMS

    Important travel advisory: [Country/Region] has issued new health guidelines. For more information, visit [Clinic Website] or call [Phone Number]. Stay informed!

    5 SMS templates for laser hair removal clinics

    Laser hair clinics will also find certain times of year are really busy for them, making it the ideal time to send out promotional offers to prompt clinics to book an appointment. 

    Consultation reminder SMS

    Hi [Client Name], just a reminder of your laser hair removal consultation on [Date] at [Time]. We’re excited to discuss your hair removal goals!

    Post-treatment care SMS

    Post-treatment care: Keep the treated area clean, avoid excessive heat or sun exposure, and follow aftercare instructions provided. Contact us for any concerns.

    Package promotion SMS

    Get ready for smooth skin! Enjoy a 15% discount on laser hair removal packages. Call [Phone Number] to schedule your sessions. Limited-time offer!

    Maintenance session reminder SMS

    It’s time for your laser hair removal maintenance session. Don’t miss out on smooth results! Call [Phone Number] to schedule your appointment.

    Holiday promotion SMS

    Get holiday-ready with laser hair removal! Enjoy special discounts on sessions booked during this festive season. Call [Phone Number] for details.

    5 SMS templates for salons and spas

    SMS messages are a great way for salons and spas to engage with customers.

    First of all, they can be used to ensure that clients know they need to pop into the salon for a patch test before their treatment. No more awkward conversations on the day itself! Salons and spas can also leverage SMS to upsell their clients and boost revenue. 

    Appointment confirmation SMS 

    Hi [Client Name],

    We are pleased to confirm your appointment with [Stylist/Therapist Name] on [Date] at [Time]. If you need to reschedule, please call [Phone Number].

    [Patch test requirement SMS] 

    Hi [Client Name] A patch test is required before your appointment. Please come to the salon at least 48 hours before your appointment. 

    Marketing SMS

    Special offer! Book any hair service this week and get [Complimentary Service]. Call us on [Phone Number] to schedule your appointment. [Salon/Spa Name]

    Review request SMS

    We hoped you enjoyed your spa treatment yesterday. We’d love if you would leave us a review – this helps us get improve our services! [Link]

    VIP membership invitation SMS

    Hi [Client Name], As one of our valued clients, we would like to invite you to join our exclusive VIP membership program. Find out more [Link]. 

    5 SMS templates for physiotherapy 

    Appointment reminder SMS

    Hi [Client Name], just a reminder of your physiotherapy session tomorrow at [Time]. See you soon!”

    Exercise reminder SMS

    Don’t forget to complete your prescribed exercises today. Consistency is key to your recovery. Keep up the great work!

    Follow-up appointment SMS

    It’s time for your follow-up appointment. Please call [Phone Number] to schedule. We look forward to seeing you.

    New service announcement SMS

    Exciting news! We now offer [New Service]. Call [Phone Number] or head to [Web Address] to learn more and book your session.

    Testimonial request SMS:

    We value your feedback! If you’re satisfied with our services, please consider leaving a review at [Review Platform]. Thank you!

    5 SMS templates for wellness clinics

    Appointment reminder SMS

    Hi [Client Name], just a friendly reminder of your upcoming wellness session on [Date] at [Time]. We look forward to assisting you!

    Mindfulness reminder SMS

    Take a moment for mindfulness: Pause, breathe deeply, and appreciate the present. Practice self-care daily for your overall well-being.

    New service announcement SMS

    Exciting news! We now offer [New Service] to enhance your wellness journey. Contact us at [Phone Number] to learn more.

    Follow-up appointment SMS

    It’s time for your follow-up wellness check-up. Please call [Phone Number] to schedule a convenient time. Your well-being is important to us!

    Wellness workshop announcement SMS

    Join our upcoming wellness workshop on [Date]. Learn valuable tips and techniques for a balanced lifestyle. Reserve your spot at [Phone Number].

    5 SMS templates for IV clinics 

    Appointment confirmation SMS

    Hi [Client Name], your IV therapy appointment is confirmed for [Date] at [Time]. Our team will be at [Location]. See you there!

    Mobile clinic schedule announcement SMS

    Exciting news! Our mobile IV clinic will be in your area on [Date]. Book your IV therapy session now at [Phone Number]. Limited spots available!

    Hydration reminder SMS

    Stay hydrated! Did you know IV hydration therapy can boost your energy and wellness? Call us at [Phone Number] to schedule your session.

    Post-event recovery SMS

    Recover and rejuvenate! Book an IV therapy session with us after your event or strenuous activity. Call [Phone Number] to revitalize your body.

    Loyalty program SMS

    Join our loyalty program and enjoy exclusive perks! Earn points with every IV therapy session. Call [Phone Number] to learn more and sign up.

    Send better appointment reminders with Pabau

    Hopefully we’ve shown you that there are many benefits to sending SMS in your healthcare business. They save time, remove admin tasks for your team, and reduce no-shows. 

    So why use Pabau? For one, you can schedule your appointment confirmation and reminder texts at the time of booking, so you don’t have to do any manual work. Once the appointment is booked, you can relax knowing that the right communication will be sent at the right time.

    But text messages are just one small part of what Pabau can do for your business. As an all-in-one practice management system, we can help you with everything you need to run your business, from online bookings to digitising patient records to inventory management.

    What you should do now

    1. Schedule a Demo to see how Pabau can help your team.
    2. Read more clinic management articles in our blog.
    3. If you know someone who’d enjoy this article, share it with them via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.

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