Echo AI is now available in the Pabau GO iOS app – more details here
Since deploying Pabau, our operations have become a lot more efficient. We have much better productivity and we have a lot less wasted manpower hours. We’ve got a lot more visibility over our business, so we can see exactly what’s happening at all times.
Great service, good quality software and a great team to help set up and deal with any queries during the process of setting up.
The reporting functions are a game changer! Pabau is intuitive, user-friendly, and packed with features. We have researched the top 10 practice software programs, and it, by FAR, outweighs all the rest. SO EXCITED.
I particularly like Pabau because it is easy to use, intuitive, and multi-purpose. It is the best fit for a busy medical and aesthetic medicine practice such as ours.
Why Pabau?